
CEV board candidature 2024

Dear volleyball fiends, NF presidents.
I am contacting you according to CEV congress in august 2024. Yesterday CEV have presented list of candidates for all positions for CEV elections. As a candidate for CEV board I would like to share my presentation. I am the President of Slovak volleyball federation with the first CEV candidature. You can read all points of my motivation and philosophy with all details what you should know about me and what I did here in Slovakia for volleyball. The most important is volleyball and National federations interest and I am sure I can follow this next 4 years. I am presenting my Presentation, CV personal profile. I hope that you can support my candidature during elections. Also, I will present my standpoint for election of The next President of CEV on my FB profile tomorrow.
I wish you nice summer and see you in Naples in August.

you can download here

Marek ROJKO | 3.7.2024 @ 11:52